Himalayan Nepali

Himalayan Radio is the first Nepalese voice in Australia established on 21st of February 2003 which was aired from Sydney for the first time on Radio Skid Row 88.9FM. It is the common voice of the Nepalese community. We present tp you the latest community news, sports updates, interviews, entertainment and more. We play a wide variety of Nepalese songs, and you are always welcome to request the song over the phone live or off air. We are open for any kind of respectful conversation and dialogue. It is a community radio, and our team is trying to give something back to the Nepalese community through our language, culture, and music. Please join us every Monday from 5 to 8pm AEST.
Our email address is himalayanfm88.9gmail.com and you can find us on Facebook as Himalayan Radio 88.9 (the first Nepalese Voice in Australia).
Program Times